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Intelligent Assistants provide an additional level of care

For doctors, physicians and nephrologists, Intelligent Assistants represent a first opportunity to use an AI-based App to help unburden routine patient interaction yet also provide an additional level of care by using AI to coach patient dose adherence and  regularise dosing.


Intelligent Assistants complement the work of physicians and clinicians by working with patients to help personalise their healthcare goals, whilst allowing medical professionals to concentrate on providing specialist care and interventions.


Health-AI’s first Intelligent Assistant, TrackMyTac® has shown excellent results in reducing the variability of measured Tacrolimus levels, a precursor to better dose adherence and more regular dosing.


Click here for details of our one year patient-led TrackMyTac study and how using TrackMyTac can greatly reduce measured Tac level variance.















A quick TrackMyTac (TMT) spec for Doctors, Physicians and Nephrologists


TMT is available:

Either as an individual App for all Windows computers including laptops and Surface, 


On a browser running on pretty much any computer. 

Currently we support Edge, Safari, Firefox and 



TMT provides:

A Monthly overview of every Tac dose taken each day

A prediction of the next measured Tac value (accurate to ±5%)

Patient Clearance time (accurate to ±10%)

Patient’s Adherence value (%), updated daily

Total Time in Range (TTR %), updated daily

Predicted Trough divided by Dose (plotted TDD), updated daily

Monthly number of missed doses, updated daily

Daily average dose drift about a set interval (12/ 24 hrs for Tacrolimus)

Personalised coaching to improve dose drift and Adherence values.















TMT uses AI to:

Predict a patient’s next measured Tac level

Continually coach a patient’s dose Adherence and regularise dosing


TMT supports the following drugs for both renal and Hepatic:

Twice daily Adoport

Twice daily Prograf (US)

Once daily Prolonged Release Advagraf (US)

Once daily Prolonged Release Envarsus (Europe)

(Our Envarsus support is currently reduced owing to limited test data, but we are in touch with the lovely people at Chiesi, for help with further test data)


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