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We wanted to show that TrackMyTac® with its AI-based coaching can enable patients to both manage their dosing better and also maintain their adherence levels


We conducted a one year patient study to find out


The results are presented below.

TrackMyTac using AI-based coaching to guide better dose adherence.

TrackMyTac is also available on most browsers providing personalised data insights, along with day to day AI-based adherence coaching.

One year Tac levels without AI-based coaching.

The chart shows the monthly Tacrolimus readings for a one year control group of 25 patients who interacted with their physician or nephrologist in order to take their medication regularly and on-time, twice daily. 


In all cases the adherence coaching was irregular and ad hoc, depending on the patient's perceived need for help or coaching.


Overall patients' Adherence percentages were between 67% and 78% with average dose-time drift at ±27 minutes.


On average after 1 year, this group showed 48% less measured Tac level variability. 

This chart shows the monthly Tacrolimus readings for a one year group of 27 patients who have continually used TrackMyTac for a year to manage their dosing intervals and continually improve their adherence levels. 


In all cases the adherence coaching was provided by TrackMyTac in the form of dose-by -dose feedback..


For this group, overall patients' Adherence percentages were between 78% and 91% with average dose-time drift at ±17 minutes.


On average after 1 year, this group showed 76% less measured Tac level variability. 

One year Tac levels with AI-based coaching.
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