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TrackMyTac® unburdens patients from the post-transplant day-to-day

TrackMyTac (TMT) is Health-AI’s first Intelligent Assistant for post-transplant kidney patients and their nephrologists or MD’s. Focused on maintaining patient clinical safety and improving long term patient organ retention, TMT unburdens both doctors and patients from the necessary day-to-day chores of data collection, review and coaching.


TMT uses AI-based models to predict future patient drug response. These provide daily feedback to coach better dose management and ultimately, improved long-term transplanted organ retention.


The chart below shows predicted blood levels of the anti-rejection drug Tacrolimus (the green line) and how levels predicted using Artificial Intelligence trend to actual levels remarkably quickly.

Predicted Tacrolimus concentration using Artificial Intelligence

TMT also provides AI-based coaching, guidance and insight into patient dosing trends enabling patients to interpret their health data more readily and also receive health maintenance advice based on existing patient data.

Chart of daily patient dose timings.

TMT is available:

Either as an individual App for all Windows computers including laptops and Surface, 


On a browser running on pretty much any computer. 

Currently we support Edge, Safari, Firefox and Chrome.

TrackMyTac App displayed on laptop.
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